#!/usr/bin/perl $VERSION = '1.00'; # XAlbum2Rss - Generate RSS Feed from Photo Album XML, (see XPhotoAlbum.pl) # Version 1.00 # # Get docs and newest version from # http://www.neystadt.org/XPhotoAlbum/ # # Copyright (c) 2005, John Neystadt # You may install this script on your site for free # To obtain permision for redistribution or any other usage # contact john@neystadt.org. # # Drop me a line if you deploy this script on your site. =head1 NAME XAlbum2Rss.pl v1.00 - XML Photo Album Script RSS Feed Generator =cut use XML::DOM; use XML::RSS; use Image::ExifTool; use File::stat; use POSIX; my ($DateFormat) = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+02:00'; # '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT+2'; my ($FeedSize) = 100; if ($#ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 Will print RSS feed on the output\n."; die 1; } my ($IndexFile, $PictureRoot) = @ARGV; $PictureRoot .= '/' if !($PictureRoot =~ q|/$|); my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser; my $doc = $parser->parsefile ($IndexFile); my $album = $doc->getChildNodes ()->item (0); die "Can't load XML file $IndexFile" if (!$doc || !$album); my $PicturePath = $album->getAttribute ('PATH'); $PicturePath .= '/' if !($PicturePath =~ q|/$|); my $children = $album->getChildNodes (); my $anno; for (0..$children->getLength ()-1) { my $child = $children->item ($_); if ($child->getNodeName eq 'ANNOTATION') { $anno = $child->getFirstChild ()->getData (); last; } } my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0'); $rss->channel( title => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'), link => $album->getAttribute ('LINK'), description => $anno, dc => { date => getNowTime(), subject => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'), creator => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'), publisher => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'), rights => $album->getAttribute ('COPYRIGHT'), language => 'en-us', }, syn => { updatePeriod => "hourly", updateFrequency => "1", updateBase => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00", }, ); # $rss->image( # title => "freshmeat.net", # url => "http://freshmeat.net/images/fm.mini.jpg", # link => "http://freshmeat.net", # dc => { # creator => "G. Raphics (graphics at freshmeat.net)", # }, # ); my @images = sortAlbumImages ($doc); for (@images [0..$FeedSize-1]) { last if !$_; image2Rss ($rss, $_, $album); } print $rss->as_string; ## END OF MAIN ## sub image2Rss { my ($rss, $image, $album) = @_; my $link = $PicturePath . $image->getAttribute ('HREF'); # Enumerate through parent folders to prepend folder titles my $elem = $image; my $title = $image->getFirstChild ()->getData (); while ($elem) { $elem = $elem->getParentNode (); last if $elem->getNodeName () ne 'FOLDER'; $title = $elem->getAttribute ('TITLE') . ' : ' . $title; } $rss->add_item ( title => $title, link => $link, description => '' . $title . '', dc => { subject => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'), creator => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'), date => $image->getAttribute ('DATE'), }, ); } sub sortAlbumImages { my ($doc) = @_; my @images = $doc->getElementsByTagName ('PICTURE'); my ($f); foreach (@images) { my $file = $PictureRoot . $_->getAttribute ('HREF'); my $date = getImageTime ($file); $f = 0; if (!$date) { $f = 1; $date = getFileTime ($file); } $_->setAttribute ('DATE', $date); print STDERR "$date\t"; if ($f) { print STDERR "FILE"; } else { print STDERR "EXIF"; } print STDERR "\t$file\n"; } sub ByImageDate { $b->getAttribute ('DATE') cmp $a->getAttribute ('DATE'); } return sort ByImageDate @images; } sub getImageTime { my ($file) = @_; my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool; $exifTool->Options(Group0 => ['EXIF'], Unknown => 0, DateFormat => $DateFormat); my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file); return udef if !$info; if (exists $info->{'DateTimeOriginal'}) { return $info->{'DateTimeOriginal'}; } elsif (exists $info->{'ModifyDate'}) { return $info->{'ModifyDate'}; } return undef; } sub getFileTime { my ($file) = @_; my $info = stat($file); die "Can't access referenced file $image!" if !$info; return POSIX::strftime ($DateFormat, gmtime ($info->mtime)); } sub getNowTime { return POSIX::strftime ($DateFormat, gmtime ()); } __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for XPhotoAlbum.pl. The script can be used for off-Line RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab. Once you created RSS feed, your friends may add your album to their RSS Reader (http://www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon/), http://www.LiveJournal.com friend lent, or http://my.yahoo.com personalized portal. Each time you ad a photo, they will instantly see it in their news feed. =head1 USAGE I Will print RSS feed on the output. You can redirect this into album.rdf file, and use it for RSS feed. =head1 XML Index File Format Please see the examples below to understand the format of the files. =head1 CAVEATS You need to add few new attributes to you album XML file, which will be used for RSS meta-data: =over =item 1 LINK - URL of the full album =item 2 AUTHOR - Your name =item 3 COPYRIGHT - Copyright text =back For example: ... LINK="http://www.neystadt.org/john/album/" AUTHOR="John Neystadt" COPYRIGHT="John Neystadt" ... =head1 TIPS AND TRICKS Send your feedback... =head1 EXAMPLES Please see http://www.neystadt.org/ for three instances of the albums using this technology. Particulary examples of the XML index files are located at: http://www.neystadt.org/john/album/index.rdf http://www.neystadt.org/john/family-album/index.rdf =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the C, C and C modules available from CPAN (http://www.cpan.org) =pod OSNAMES All UNIXes, Windows NT =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Web =pod README This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for XPhotoAlbum.pl. The script can be used for off-Line RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab. See http://www.neystadt.org/XPhotoAlbum/ for additional details. =cut